Based on your feedback, I have made ordering your prints as easy as ever! From a simple link on the blog, you can access my professional lab, which as teamed up with Smug Mug, my favorite share site!  And before you order, if you would like to see samples of any of the products, print quality. Just let me know! Click on it here to see more!

Let’s get those prints on the walls!

Check out some of the amazing products that you can get!



Great news! Not only am I done editing all of my Fall Photos, I have lots of great news to share. I won’t overdo the share with all at once, so I will start with my most exciting news!

P&C Design Service is in MOTION.

Ever wonder how to get those family prints onto your wall? Feel overwhelmed with how to do it? Want to infuse it into an existing wall but not sure how? I am sure there are many other reasons why your prints don’t make it to your wall but I am here to help.

See, I got this nifty little APP and it helps me not only lay out your wall to the exact measurement, but it allows us to customize what goes on it and the BEST PART–see your images on that exact wall.

My life has changed! And I can’t stop fussing around with this in my own house.

I have so much more to share and many more examples to share but if you are interested in this for your home –email me soon!

On the left is the image with from my app that helps me layout the design. On the right is the finished product on the wall!

Whoot there it is.



Oh and more news? P&C now has an online ordering service, lots of new product samples, and more and more ideas of how to awesomely display your prints and canvases! Stay tuned.


Hey, you–it’s me.

I know. I know. I am blogging.  And I am back!

It’s that time of year again! My Fall season for photography has launched and I am getting organized (or at least trying hard to). I am still working out the kinks and still chasing that ever elusive thing called –BALANCE. But I am off and running. Forgive me if I am slow, it’s a busy time of year for me and my family!

I have lots of amazing shoots planned and I am even getting my “fancy” PDF and welcome kit ready to go. In the meantime, I will kickstart with this year’s What to Wear Guide!


Don’t let photo shoot styling discourage you! Here are 3 key tips:

1. Let color in this year! It’s all about fun and it’s all about color. Don’t be afraid to use it.

2. Pick on outfit for either a fussy mom, dad, or child and then coordinate outwards from there. You don’t have to be matchy, matchy!

3.  If you get really stuck on what colors go together, I use this great resource all of the time: Design Seeds. Find one color that sticks and plug it into the search and find coordinating options!


Here are this year’s favorites of mine, these are currently in season now and I hope it will serve as a little inspiration for you all!


These two I call Fall Fun at Old Navy!

Maternity Shoot. All Outfits from Boden USA.

JCrew is in the House!


Both of these boards are so much fun and great for the Fall–all from Gap!


And if you are wondering what photographer’s wear to their own personal shoots?!!

Well here you go: this is what my family is dressing up in for our shoot with the fab Blue Lily!

I have many more what to wear guides from past year’s if you would like to check them out!