Year in Review–52 Weeks & 52 Photos

It’s just kind of ridiculous how a year goes by with a blink of an eye.

2011 is gone.

But it didn’t leave without our family making lots and lots of amazing, wonderful memories along the way.

At the beginning of the year I signed up for a 52 week photo challenge. And although I only blogged and submitted 6 to the group, I did not fail at my goal of taking a photo a week.

In fact, it was probably a lot more than that. This grouping of photos adds up to 52 and if you are really anal and check the dates….no…these are not from every single week.

But these are some of my favorites.

52 photos representing the 52 fabulous weeks that I have been blessed with spending with my little loves and my honey-do.



 Happy New Year everyone. I hope it is healthy and happy; filled with memories, blessings, and lots and lots of LOVE.