Thanksgiving table and other random stuff….

Some people might think that I started a blog and then started to get crafty and creative. Wrong. I started this blog to document it all. I have been like this forever. Imagine a person who has ADHD, OCD, and ANXIETY all rolled up into one? Yep, that’s me and this is my release.

One of the ways that I get my “fix” is on decorating a table.  Ask my family, I am a crazy person year after year. Long before I had kids. Long before I had a blog.  The dining room table is MINE.

Everyone probably feared for their lives if they tried to touch it.  I am pretty sure I offended one of my brother’s girlfriends once when she tried to put her 2 cents on it. Sorry. Didn’t mean it. It’s just this is my thang’. And I am sure one of my sisters may or (may not) be able to tell you a story about an incident that I may or (may not) have involved stealing (borrowing) a pumpkin off of someone’s porch just to fulfill my anxiety to have one.  I can’t believe I just may or (may not) have admitted that. Is it still bad if I left her a $10 dollar bill and a note that said sorry I took your pumpkins? But I just HAD to have them.

Bottom line. If I could get paid to set the table. I would do it.  And Thanksgiving is one of my FAVES.  Love this holiday. Love a good Thanksgiving table decor.  I have been meaning to write up a TG table decor post since I started this blog. This year not only is my table set a day early but here I am writing that blog post. Yay.

Here is my 2012 Holiday Thanksgiving Table.

My inspiration came from Pinterest.  Here. Here. and Here.

My quick how I to:

Honey-Do found a log for me. There were plenty because of the last storm we had.

He drilled 2 holes in it for my little bunting.

I love that he indulges in my madness. Have I mentioned how talented he is? I am not talking about drilling holes into logs.

I will dedicate a post to him soon and all of his wonderful things he does for us.

Yay for bunting. Bunting is all the rage. I had to do at least one bunting project. I picked up my free printables here. Korey made them. She rocks!

I simply glued them onto a little string and tied them around a twig.  I then put the twig in the pre-drilled holes in the log. Easy breezy.

I channeled my inner-Ashley Ann and tied colored twine to just about everything I could.

I made the name tags out of a simple tag template and glued on the printed names.  I used twine to attach everything.

That’s it. It’s not perfect, (I could have ran an iron over the table cloth). But life doesn’t allow for perfect anymore. And yes, I am totally okay with that. It’s perfectly imperfect.

And just for fun:

2010 Thanksgiving Table

This was a fun one. The kids did fun leaf art that we used for the napkin holders.

We used brown craft paper for the table and put out pens and pencils.

The family artists were in over-drive.

2007 Table:

Honey-Do is going to dig up some more for me in the archive to add later. It’s fun looking back on all of the wonderful Thanksgivings.

What about you? Do you go crazy with Thanksgiving tables or any tables for that matter?