Coffee Drinking Routine–“Tutorial”

I know this will be hard for anyone to believe, but I just started drinking coffee, like 3 months ago.  My name is Jodi.  I am 37. I am officially a newly, crowned coffee addict. You don’t even want to know what I was starting my morning off before hand. Let’s just say it was a little can.  Red.   Ice cold.   And went straight to my stomach and hips. Yeah, bad. I know.

Anyhow, I know everyone probably has a specific coffee routine that they use. Whether it’s drinking a cup while reading the newspaper, trotting off to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts, or maybe you like that office coffee?  Well, I am here to tell you that I discovered the best way to drink coffee. And no, this is not meant to be funny or is some sort of braniac discovery. It’s simple and basic and it works!  And I am sure that most of you will say after I am done…”Duh?” “Hello?”  “That’s already been discovered.” “What planet, are you from?”. The planet that decides to start drinking coffee at 37 and the excitement and energy that came along with it. 🙂

Okay, so this is how you do it.  First of all, coffee needs to be brewed at home. Find something you love or like. I personally am a fan of my husband’s coffee. (No wise cracks from my FB friends).  It’s Starbucks beans bought in a giant sized bag from Costco. You can come home and grind them yourself or you can do it at Costco.  Whatever.  Anyhow, I don’t know his recipe….I am still sleeping when he makes it. But it is yummy. I fill this travel mug 3/4 full of coffee and the rest with non-fat milk.

(I tried to get all fancy and photograph the pouring. Fail.)

Next, enjoy. A sip…or 2…or 3….whatever.

Next,  I put my coffee in a travel mug. And I am here to tell you that I have discovered THE ultimate travel mug. This is not an endorsement (I wish). This is THE BEST travel mug ever. I love it so much I bought even more.  Sometimes I leave them here (car) and there (craft room) so I need clean backup cups. This cup keeps the coffee warm, is the perfect grip size (for those with hands the size of mine), and doesn’t leak—-ever, ever, ever. Brilliant. REI always has the best shit.

Wait, but why is my coffee routine so great? Because I see that most people go about it all the wrong way.  For those who get up early so they can finish their coffee completely, without spilling, reading the paper…etc, etc. Yeah, I would rather have the extra sleep. For those who go to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts.  Dude, what a waste of money and it’s not always that good.  For those who wait to get to the office.  You just dragged ass to get out the door with kids, etc. And now you have to immediately work. You brain needs at least another hour to warm up.  That means you don’t start being productive until like 10am.  Not for me, I have to pick up kids by 1!

Now here is where my “brilliance” kicks in. Wait for it.

I drink my cup while traveling. Traveling around my house.

Yep, that’s the magic.

I take a shower. And then immediately pour my brew for the day. I take my cup (spill proof) back up stairs. And while I am doing hair–sip. While I am getting kids clothes out–sip. Packing lunches–sip–sip.

Do. Sip. Do.  Sip.

By the time I am done with my cup–the kids are dropped off, my coffee has kicked in, I am back at home and I am ready to work. Super productive and my day just feels good. Started off right.

So for those of you who are struggling with their coffee routine, give this a try.  It works. It’s very exciting. At least for me.

Bottomline, I just really wanted to photograph my coffee and dedicate a post to it, that’s how much I love it.  So go along with it.


ps……There is a good chance I may have had a little TOO much coffee this morning.  Just sayin’………

double ps…..You learn a lot by throwing a self-portrait into the post. Like maybe I should slow down on the yellow?