Weekend Bliss

I haven’t posted much in a while, sometimes the priority of blogging falls well below the dozens of other things that are on my daily to do list. But there is much to share over the next few weeks. I will start out with how wonderful our weekend was. I cherish these weekends. The kind where everything just seems to go right.  That was this weekend. Loved it.

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The girls did art with their dad in the studio while I enjoyed some quiet cooking time.  They both are really enjoying the space now.

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Sa Sa enjoyed the meal. I will be sure to share the recipe soon.

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Girls29 082Breakfast anyone?  Ummm Yumm, even if they are a bit overdone.

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We took a fun walk.  I love how green it is here.

Girls29A 007We ate again! We eat a lot don’t we?  This time at our favorite Mexican restaurant. It’s the closest thing to good Cali Mexican food that they have here. It reminds me of home and the girls love it. The atmosphere and the food.

Also on the weekend bliss train…fabric stores, seasonal cleaning, and a trip to the town pool.  Somehow we left the camera at home and missed some great shots of the girls enjoying the pool. Luckily we took the video camera. Maybe later I will add some footage to this post.

How was your weekend?